Reuven Feuerstein's heirs

Who was Reuven Feuerstein? .... . Raven Feuerstein (21.08.1921-29.04.2014), was a Romanian-born psychologist, educator and pedagogue, known as a proponent of the theory that intelligence can be learned, the theory of cognitive modifiability and the theory of mediated learning experience.
In 1944, Professor Feuerstein emigrated to Palestine and used the method in the post-World War II period for the cognitive development and psycho-emotional (re)balancing of Jewish child war survivors.

Briefly about the Feuerstein Method

Metoda Feuerstein a fost adusă și în Romînia în anul 2008, cînd fondatoarea Asociației Feuerstein, dna psiholog clinician dr. Otilia Todor de la Brasov, a promovat metoda în toate zonele țării ca fiind o tehnică în educație, dezvoltare si intervenție terapeutică, cu rezultate dovedite în domeniul clinic, educațional si organizațional.
The Feuerstein Method (FIE) is a mediated learning method, an educational tool that addresses both typical children and adults and people with disabilities.
The Feuerstein method stimulates the thinking process, develops learning ability in a structured and logical way.
La baza metodei se află principiul NEUROPLASTICITĂȚII ,care se refera la faptul că, inteligența este flexibilă, nu fixă. Neuroplasticitatea creierului se poate modifica pe tot parcursul vieții cu ajutorul MEDIERII (o tehnică cu etape clare si exerciții specifice).
The Feuerstein method is also addressed to children with neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g. mental deficiency associated or not, with: ADHD, impulse control disorder, anxiety disorders, autistic spectrum disorder, depressive disorder, bipolar disorder; specific learning disorders). .
It should be noted that the Feuerstein method develops autonomy, independence, thinking, visual transfer, inner motivation, sense of competence, attention, helps the child to distinguish between reality and imagination and to control impulsivity, develops analytical perception which is necessary in the learning process;
-The Feuerstein method is especially aimed at those who want simultaneous emotional, behavioural and cognitive development.


I, as mediator Feuerstein.....

In 2018, being in search of the most suitable tools for children's needs, I went to the presentation of the Feuerstei Method by Mrs Todor Otilia (in Iasi). I was convinced by the way the tools were structured, the benefits of the method on all areas of development, the fact that the method is decades old and has proven its effectiveness and, last but not least, the trainer who transmitted the information ..from the heart! This is how I continued to deepen the method, I am still today in close contact with the Feurstein Association in Brasov, which offers guidance, supervision and support to all mediators who want to implement the method in a professional way.